Clinical Studies (extracts) on the effectiveness of Alexander Technique
For chronic back pain
579 Teilnehmer, Vergleich von Alexander Technik (AT), Massage, leichter sportlicher Betätigung sowie „üblicher allgemeinmedizinische Behandlung“ als Kontrollgruppe).
Prof. Paul Little, Universität Southhampton
Ergebnis: Die gefühlten Einschränkungen der AT-Gruppe reduzierten sich im Studienverlauf um 42%. Diese Gruppe wies abschließend nur ein Achtel der monatlichen Schmerztage auf, die die Kontrollgruppe verzeichnete (3 im Vgl. zu 23).
For chronic neck pain
Journal of Internal Medicine, 2015
517 participants, comparison of Alexander Technique and acupuncture with “normal treatment” as a control group).
Hugh MacPherson, Department of Health Sciences, University of York
Result: Significant pain reduction in the AT group after 12 months (by 31%), whereas there was no significant reduction in the control group (< 25%).
In Parkinson's
93 participants, comparison of “normal treatment” as a control group with a treatment supplemented by 24 lessons in Alexander Technique (AT) and with a treatment supplemented by 24 units of therapeutic massage (TM)).
C. Stallibrass, School of Integrated Medicine, University of Westminster
Result: Using standardized questionnaires (SPDDS, Beck Depression Inventory), the AT group was found to be better able to cope with specific activities (walking, getting dressed and undressed, turning over in bed, writing letters), as well as to have an improved general condition.