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Alexandertechnik München

About me

Teresa Brunnmüller, Alexander Technique Munich

Alexander Technik Coach 

For me, the Alexander Technique is both a simple and complex discipline. I am enthusiastic about it because, on the one hand, it has a very tangible effect: it gradually brought complete healing to my own immobile neck in 2017. On the other hand, for me it represents a philosophy of life that provides orientation in moments of mental challenge and encourages and guides us to be clear, calm and present.


I like to inspire you to free yourself from superfluous tension and to utilise your energy in a targeted manner. With Alexander Technique Coaching, I would like to give you a tool with which you can promote your health independently in the midst of your everyday life - and realise your individual potential to the full!

Alexander Technique Munich Fibonacci
Alexander Technique Munich Fibonacci
Alexander Technique Munich Fibonacci
Alexander Technique Munich Fibonacci
Alexander Technique Munich Fibonacci
Alexandertechnik München Fibonacci
Alexander Technique Munich Fibonacci

My learning and life path so far

2015 – 2023: Artist Manager for internationally renowned musicians in the classical music industry

2019 - 2022: Alexander Technique training course (Alexander Technique Training Center Munich, 1,600 training hours)

M.A. Culture and Music Management (University of Music and Theatre Munich )

B.A. International Cultural & Business Studies (University of Passau)

D.A.S. Spirituality & Interculturality (Institute for Interreligious Studies Freiburg)

Extra-university musical education: accordion and bandoneon

Further activities

Bandoneonist (tango quintet Quinteto Garufa)

Co-founder and organizer of charity concerts for children's aid projects in Latinamerica (Munich Solidarity Concerts)

member and board member of the Alexander Technique Association Germany (ATVD eV)

Alexandertechnik München Fibonacci
Alexandertechnik München Fibonacci

I am always happy to write articles and contributions to magazines about the various aspects of the Alexander Technique. I have compiled a selection under ‘My articles & contributions’ and invite you to browse through them:

"(...) reconditioning in my sense (...) enables the individual to

take possession of his own potentialities .

It converts the fact of conditioned reflexes from a principle of external enslavement

into a means of vital freedom ." (FM Alexander)

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